
Exclusively dedicated to e-merchants, our newsletter is constantly updated to offer you ever more innovative and intuitive personalization, segmentation & analysis functionalities.

Our goal?
Boost your deliverability, loyalty & transformation rates!

NewsLetter NewsLetter

A managed dispatch system for optimal deliverability

ShopiMind is a specialist in email routing and ensures you a permanent continuity of service thanks to its end to end management of its newsletter & automated email sending chain.
If your sending volume warrants it, make use of a dedicated IP address at no extra cost, guaranteeing you a long-term maintenance of your e-reputation.

Thanks to a constantly innovating team and a set of powerful tools, you can benefit from an exclusive deliverability of more than 98%!

Ultra personalized newsletters!

With our drag-and-drop email editor, newsletter design is child's play!

Include your logo & visuals with just 1 click and let our editor guide you on integrating additional functionalities.
Make the most of our smart product list widgets: new products in your catalogue, reminders of products from your customers' abandoned shopping baskets, cross-selling.....

Synchronizing in real time with your shop, our editor allows you to automatically or manually integrate all your product categories.
And of course, our newsletters are fully responsive for optimal reading comfort & perfect multi-media display!

Segment your newsletter campaigns for optimal results!

At ShopiMind, we believe that an effective campaign must be segmented & adapted to the profile of the target audience.
This is why advanced segmentation is at the heart of our business & why we try to offer you the most comprehensive and successful functionalities possible.

Our editor allows you to tailor your messages to the profile of your customers (age, gender, geographical location) but also based on their purchase and browsing history (average amount of orders placed, type of products ordered, products visited, etc.).
Design even more targeted newsletters by including the behavior of your customers on your site: product category viewed, type of products looked at, etc.

Do you have an idea for a campaign to test?
It's the perfect time to deploy it with ShopiMind!

Boost your opening rates with Perfect Timing!

Our Perfect Timing functionality is based on a unique algorithm analyzing different customer behaviors as well as a set of information collected directly from your database.

Our Perfect Timing allows you to spread out your newsletter dispatch over time intervals and above all to know precisely the opening & reading times of your customers.
The information collected allows you to visibly improve the results of your campaigns with a significant increase in your opening rates!

Easily include your discounts into your newsletters!

The newsletter is the ideal tool for building customer loyalty.

And the little bonus?
Include personalized discounts tailored to your strategies & objectives!

Personalize your discount codes with a wide range of exclusive variables: type of discount, number of days remaining before the promotion expires, minimum order amount to take advantage of the discount, etc.
You can also move your discount codes from one channel to another by creating unique interactions between your newsletters & pop-ups.

Save time & gain in efficiency!

Boost your turnover with precise analyze!

Implementing newsletter campaigns is good. Being able to measure them effectively & adjust them if necessary is even better!

Opening times, unsubscription or spam rates, sales upticks: find all the results of your newsletter campaigns on a single dashboard & access a set of information updated in real time.

Start your trial or ask for a demonstration :

14-day trial !