How to convert your automated traffic?

Reading time approx. 5 min

Automating your marketing campaigns can bring a lot of leads to your business. This is a very good point!

Your company becomes better known and the traffic on your site increases.
However, the increase in traffic does not necessarily mean an increase in the number of conversions. So the question arises: how do you convert your leads into customers?

Optimizing your conversion funnel

What is the profile of the customer coming to your site? What are they looking for? What do they expect from your site?

These are just some of the questions to ask in order to maximize your visitor’s experience. It is important to have a very good awareness of the profile of your visitors and to look at your site from their point of view.
You will then be able to optimise your offers and content to stand out from the competition. Thanks to your quality content, your prospects will be able to start having their needs met, and some of them will therefore more easily make the decision to subscribe to your offers or buy your products/services.

It is also important to optimise your sales funnel. Simple, clear and fast are the watchwords of a good purchase funnel.

Steps that are too long or unclear can quickly discourage a customer from finalizing their order. The average shopping cart abandonment rate for a website is between 60 and 70%.

Don’t lose those customers!

Making effective use of social networks

The content of your social networks reflects the image of your company, the content of your site, and the products and services you offer.

Implementing an automated marketing strategy should not affect the quality of your content.
As with your site, offer quality content on your social networks, that encourages action.

Link to content offered on your site: blog articles, white papers, new products … and push your content even further by sharing other elements that could directly reach your target audience: newspaper articles, polls, visual content (videos, photos).

Demonstrate your expertise and make your target customer want to learn more about you!

It is also important to highlight your social networks on your website and newsletter. An Internet user should be able to subscribe to your networks with just one click. Once they have subscribed, it will be easier for you to keep in touch with them and convert your prospect into a customer.
So highlight the subscription actions so that the internet user can follow you with just one click.

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Push your email strategy

You have successfully obtained your prospect’s email address, now you need to encourage them to place an order on your site.

To achieve this, push your emailing strategy by personalising your communications as much as possible.
Adapt your communication to the needs of each customer!

Program shopping cart abandonment emails, collect information about your visitors to present them with attractive offers, discount vouchers, etc.

Use emailing as a highly personalised communication tool with your customers. Every customer is unique and you need to consider them individually. Make maximum use of personalisation in your email campaigns and push your customers to action.

To personalise your campaigns, you can address your customers directly by inserting their first and last names.
Remain alert to what customers are looking for, especially the products that they like the most, and push them!

Keep your strategy up to date with regular market studies.

For your automated traffic conversion strategy to be optimal, you need to update it regularly.

Only loyal customers will visit your site to order directly. Prospects or occasional customers play competitors off against each other and regularly look for the various offers available on the market.

Customer expectations do not always stay the same and are in a constant state of change based on products/services, your offers and those of your competitors.

To meet their expectations, it is essential to set up competitor intelligence monitoring so you are always offering attractive rates.
Refining your strategy regularly will allow you to trigger faster and easier conversion from your automated traffic.


As you have seen, there are many ways to efficiently convert your automated traffic.
To be fully functional, your conversion strategy must start with a thorough analysis of your customers and their expectations.

Use this traffic wisely to achieve conversion by maintaining the close relationship you have with your customers.
A prestashop agency can help you deploy this type of campaign and optimise your online business

Photo Johan modifiée

About the author

Johan Mizrahi

Director of Ecomiz Group

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